Attack on Titan
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A Role Play based on the anime Attack On Titan
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Short Story
Several hundred years ago, humans were nearly exterminated by Titans. Titans are typically several stories tall, seem to have no intelligence, devour human beings and, worst of all, seem to do it for the pleasure rather than as a food source. A small percentage of humanity survived by walling themselves in a city protected by extremely high walls, even taller than the biggest Titans. Flash forward to the present and the city has not seen a Titan in over 100 years. Until that day.....
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Live Action Movie 2015-08


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*: Scouting Legion

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PostSubject: A day off... (Closed, Invite Only)   A day off... (Closed, Invite Only) EmptyWed Aug 20, 2014 1:42 pm

Kaito was sitting on a bench with a book in hand with his usual formal wear on, a everyday suit of sorts. The book he was reading was called crimson rain, beside him was a glass of ice tea. While he was reading he would occasionally looking at the sky, specificly at the sun to judge the time, aiming the book in just the right way for the light to shine onto the pages. Two of his daggers with sheathed in his sleeves, every so often he would look around him to check his surroundings every so often, once in awhile a beggar of sorts would approach him for money and Kaito would hand a few coins over, carelessly. The day was moderate, sunny, but not too hot, wind blowing every so often, making it peaceful of sorts, beside the chatter that filled the streets. But Kaito usually ignored such noise in order to have his focus on the book, chapter twenty, "Rose of Blood".
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PostSubject: Re: A day off... (Closed, Invite Only)   A day off... (Closed, Invite Only) EmptyThu Aug 21, 2014 6:53 am

It was a nice day. The weather was perfect and it was a day without fighting titans. It had to be perfect is was some would think but not for Ariana. She had been walking around for hours not knowing were she was going. It didn't feel right to just sit and wait here, enjoying life while the time was ticking and titans were still not defeated. The blonde girl didn't feel right about this, she felt useless. The only thing she was living for was this hope to some day free humanity from those monsters. Her blonde hair hung loosely over her shoulders, her eyes looking empty as she stared forwards. She wasn't wearing an uniform today but was wearing a short girly dress with over-knee socks that matched the dress.

Letting out a sigh she walked towards a bench, getting tired of walking around for so long. She wasn't the only one sitting on the bench. Next to her a guy with black hair wearing a suit was reading a book. She wondered how he could be so calm and wished she was able to be like that. Ariana hadn't noticed she had been staring at the boy, still deep in thoughts about the calm aura coming from him.
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PostSubject: Re: A day off... (Closed, Invite Only)   A day off... (Closed, Invite Only) EmptyThu Aug 21, 2014 7:01 am

Kaito looked over at his drink, leaning to grab it, he picked it up taking a sip and placing it back down, he noticed a blonde girl sit in the same bench as him while he was reading, out of the corner from his eye he was able to see her looked at him for awhile. He remembered this girl from before, she was a scout as well. Kaito was still looking in his book, in a light, but neutral tone he spoke saying, "Nice day isn't it?"

Kaito liked today, except the fact that the wind would blow his hair in his face, causing him to push it away. He noticed the blonde girl from awhile back, sometime ago. Being worried for the titans and such. As should everyone, Kaito only did what he had to, and came to do his duties when he was called for it. Nothing more.
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PostSubject: Re: A day off... (Closed, Invite Only)   A day off... (Closed, Invite Only) EmptyThu Aug 21, 2014 7:24 am

"nice..... day....?" Ariana said quietly snapping out of her thoughts and looked away. "I guess....." she answered looking back for a moment. She had seen this guy before. It had been some time ago and they didn't really get to know each other. "uhm... so what are you reading?" she sat a little closer trying to look at the book and maybe get some other things on her mind in stead of titans.

"eh... it's okay that i sit here right?" she suddenly thought she was maybe annoying him as he was reading.
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PostSubject: Re: A day off... (Closed, Invite Only)   A day off... (Closed, Invite Only) EmptyThu Aug 21, 2014 7:30 am

Kaito shook his head saying, "No, you can sit if you want, and I am reading Crimson Rain.", Kaito looked at the blonde girl saying, "Your name is...?". He sincerely wanted to know, she was a interesting girl it seemed, Kaito closed the book he was reading and opened the jacket of the suit he wore, placing the book in a pocket within' the jacket. He leaned over again, picking up his almost full ice tea, looking over to the girl he'd say, "Want some?", he didn't really like the drink all the much, not the same as the ice tea his mother made... Regardless, today was the day to ignore all dangerous odds and mishaps.
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PostSubject: Re: A day off... (Closed, Invite Only)   A day off... (Closed, Invite Only) EmptyThu Aug 21, 2014 8:10 am

Ariana smiled a bit "My name is Ariana... and who are you? "she asked looking at the drink he was offering her. She let out a soft giggle looking from the black haired guy to the tea and back. "Did you poison it?..." she said looking at him weirdly. Her mom always used to tell her not o take anything coming from a stranger but she thought this time it was okay if she did. She took the cup from him "thank you" she softly said taking a small sip of it and looked at her feet. "So... you often come here on days like this?" Ariana didn't really know what to say and what to talk about but felt she wanted to get to know this guy better.
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PostSubject: Re: A day off... (Closed, Invite Only)   A day off... (Closed, Invite Only) EmptyThu Aug 21, 2014 8:35 am

Kaito looked at her suddenly saying, "I am Kaito Shouta.", Kaito when she mad a remark about the drink, saying, "No, I haven't.", he looked back straight forwards saying, "Yes, I do, usually when I have time to myself.", watching a few kids play kick ball of sorts, he never really knew what a childhood was like entirely, mostly due to the training his father forced him through, Kaito was okay with it now, he was great at fighting, but that doesn't make up for his loss, years of his childhood gone.
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PostSubject: Re: A day off... (Closed, Invite Only)   A day off... (Closed, Invite Only) EmptySat Aug 23, 2014 7:42 am

"Kaito... " she softly repeated his name and followed his gaze watching some children play. "They look so happy. Like they don't know anything about what's going on" Ariana thought out loud. "I wish i was still young." she shot a smile at Kaito remembering her childhood. It was okay until her mother passed away and she had to grow up real quick. Even though she was never really able to make friends and get used to one place because of all the traveling her childhood was still a nice one. "for how long have you been in the Scouting Legion?" Ariana asked trying to make the awkward silence go away.
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PostSubject: Re: A day off... (Closed, Invite Only)   A day off... (Closed, Invite Only) EmptySat Aug 23, 2014 8:11 am

Kaito looked towards her, staying silent for a few moments thinking about an answer to say, he'd begin to speak saying, "Few years, not too long, I'm only twenty-five. Although, I may look older.", he begins to look back forwards, arm on the bench's arm rest and his left arm on the bench, looking as if he was in a relaxed position it would seem. Kaito then looks back to her after sometime sighing, and speaking, "So much for the squad, huh?", he began to follow up with, "How long have you been in the Survey Corps?", he'd wait for an answer with a neutral expression, seemingly calm and care free.
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PostSubject: Re: A day off... (Closed, Invite Only)   A day off... (Closed, Invite Only) EmptyWed Aug 27, 2014 7:48 am

(Don't remember if our characters have met, so I'm going to wing this)
Since there were no missions scheduled for today, most of the Survey Corps had the day off. Most. Since Rose was one of the newer members, in the early hours of the morning, she was forced to run small errands for her superiors. Giving paperwork to one person, transferring supplies to another. By the time it was 10 am, Rose felt like a dead weight. She had finally been freed from her tasks, so she decided to walk around for a bit.

Though Rose's mind was tired and numb, her body was energetic, so while her thoughts wandered, her legs had taken her far from her original position. Looking around, she noticed two people on a bench conversing. 'They look familiar...' She slowly walked towards them, hearing the girl ask how long the man had been in the Survey Corps. 'I must have seen them around headquarters at some time then.' "Um, h-hello there."
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PostSubject: Re: A day off... (Closed, Invite Only)   A day off... (Closed, Invite Only) EmptyWed Aug 27, 2014 5:21 pm

Kaito looked up at the brunette, neutral expression like he usually has. Raising a brow he stood up saying, "Hello.", soon after he raised a hand free from his side, pointing to the seat on the bench saying, "You look tired, sit.", as he said so he began to enter the store across the street. His formal clothing seemed to ripple in the gusts of wind that carried through the streets every so often, reminding us that life is still peaceful to a certain extent, besides the titans.
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